The International High-Rise Award is bestowed every two years for a high-rise that combines exemplary sustainability, outer shape, and internal use of space and takes full consideration of social and urban planning-related aspects in order to create an exemplary design. Further criteria are innovative engineering and cost-effectiveness.

The award ceremony in Frankfurt's Paulskirche on November 12 at 6 p.m. 


November 2024 has seen the 11th edition of the International High-Rise Award.

Since 2004, the prize has been organized and awarded jointly by the City of Frankfurt, Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM), and DekaBank. Since the beginning of the millennium, it has kept pace with the ongoing boom worldwide in what is clearly the prime field of architecture in the 21st century.

The winning project of the International High-Rise Award 2024/25 CapitaSpring in Singapore has been announced at a formal prize-giving ceremony in Frankfurt’s Paulskirche, followed by an exhibition of Deutsches Architekturmuseum as a guest at Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt and an extensive book publication. 

Best High-Rises 2024/25

And the Winner is...

The mixed-use CapitaSpring tower wins the International High-Rise Award 2024–25
Got to Best High-Rises 2024/25
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 01
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 02
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group,
Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 03
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 04
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 05
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 06
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 07
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 08
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 09
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 10
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 11
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 12
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Capitaspring BIG Foto Finbarr Fallon 13
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA &
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA: CapitaSpring, Singapore,
Photo: Finbarr Fallon
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 BIG Bjarke Ingels Foto REFORM SofieMathiassen
Bjarke Ingels, Founding Partner BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA
Photo: REFORM Sofie Mathiassen
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 BIG Brian Yang Foto FlemmingLeitorp
Brian Yang, Partner BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, Denmark / New York, USA
Photo: Flemming Leitorp
BEST HIGH RISES 2024 25 Carlo Ratti Foto AndreaAvezzu
Carlo Ratti, Founding Partner / Chairman CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati, Turin, Italy / New York, USA
Photo: Andrea Avezzu

Since 2004, the International High-Rise Award has been held every two years jointly by the City of Frankfurt, Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM), and DekaBank and conferred on a high-rise selected by the jury from a long list of international nominees.

The International High-Rise Award is conferred on a building that combines exemplary sustainability, outer shape, inner spatial qualities, and social aspects to form a superior building.

The International High-Rise Award is conferred on the developer and the planning practice and includes a cash prize of EUR 50,000; it is based on a nomination process. Planning practices are invited to participate and can therefore not simply submit entries.

The composition of the jury changes for each new edition of the IHA. It is made up of renowned international architects, engineers, and architectural critics as well as representatives of the partners, namely DekaBank, the City of Frankfurt, and Deutsches Architekturmuseum.

IHP2024 25 Pressekonferenz Foto MoritzBernoully 037
Group photo, Press conference International High-Rise Award 2024/25
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
DAM IHP2014 Paulskirche Fotos Alexander Paul Englert 1
Paulskirche Frankfurt / Main
Photo: Alexander Paul Englert
IHP2022 23 Preisverleihung Foto MoritzBernoully 030
Mike Josef, Lord Mayor of the City of Frankfurt/Main, Paulskirche 2022
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 024
Dr. Ina Hartwig, Deputy Mayor in Charge of Culture City of Frankfurt/Main, Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25,
Paulskirche Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 027
Peter Cachola Schmal, Director Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM); Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25,
Paulskirche Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 028
Dr. Matthias Danne, Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Vorstandes der DekaBank Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25,
Paulskirche Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 051
Group photo of award winners and partners City, DAM, DekaBank, Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25, Paulskirche
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 054
Brian Yang, BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group – Award Winner Architect, Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25, Paulskirche
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 055
Gregory Chua, CapitaLand - Award Winner Client, Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25, Paulskirche Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 047
Mari Randsborg, COBE, Jury/Laudation, Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25, Paulskirche Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 Pressekonferenz Foto MoritzBernoully 018
Prize winner f.l.t.r.: Yi-Zhuan Lee (CapitaLand), Monika Löve (CRA – Carlo Ratti Associati), Brian Yang (BIG –
Bjarke Ingels Group), Press conference IHA 2024/25
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 035
Vinish Seti, BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group – Finalist, Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25, Paulskirche Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 042
Sven Thorissen and Jacob van Rijs, MVRDV – Finalists, Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25, Paulskirche Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 060
Words of thanks to the Head of Corporate Citizenship at DekaBank Silke Schuster-Müller
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 PreisverleihungPaulskirche Foto MoritzBernoully 065
Group photo Award Ceremony IHA 2024/25, Paulskirche Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 Ausstellung Foto MoritzBernoully web 019
Exhibiiton BEST HIGH-RISES The International High-Rise Award 2024/25, the DAM as a guest at Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2024 25 Ausstellung Foto MoritzBernoully web 023
The International High-Rise Award 2024/25,
the DAM as a guest at Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2022 23 Ausstellung Foto MoritzBernoully 033
Thomas Demand statuette for the International Highrise Award, Titan, 37 x 13 x 16 cm
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
IHP2022 23 Preisverleihung Foto MoritzBernoully 017
Award ceremony 2022 in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt/Main
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
DAM IHP2008 Pressekonferenz Foster
Sir Norman Foster
Press Conference IHA 2008
DAM IHP2014 Preisverleihung Boeri PR9A6801 Alexander Paul Englert v2
Award Ceremony IHA 2014
Photo: Alexander Paul Englert
DAM IHP 2012 Paulskirche Ingenhoven Foto Fritz Philipp 1857
Christoph Ingenhoven,
Award Ceremony IHA 2012, Paulskirche Frankfurt am Main
Photo: Fritz Philipp
DAM IHP2020 Ausstellung Foto MoritzBernoully 019
Exhibition Best Highrises 2020/21 at DAM
Photo: Moritz Bernoully
DAM IHP2020 Ausstellung Foto MoritzBernoully 017
Exhibition Best Highrises 2020/21 at DAM
Photo: Moritz Bernoully